Our Clients | Healthcare

Exact Medicare




Hyper-personalized Customer Engagement with Omni

As a leading Medicare agency dedicated to serving retirees with personalized insurance solutions, Exact Medicare understood the importance of adopting a versatile technology solution to enhance customer engagement.

Turning to ConnexAI, Exact Medicare sought an omnichannel platform to streamline their interactions with clients. From managing inquiries to facilitating social media engagements, Connex’s advanced AI tools and seamless integration capabilities have empowered Exact Medicare to deliver personalized and efficient service to their clientele.

Exact Medicare

Industry-leading solutions

See how Exact Medicare utilized ConnexAI and Athena to:

  • Achieve outstanding cost-savings across their business
  • Improve their delivery of Medicare quotes and plans
  • Expertly route and prioritize interactions with Flow

AI powered customer service

“The fact that we can train our own large language model to match our brand voice is pretty substantial,” remarks Harley Allaby, Director of Operations at Exact Medicare.

With Connex’s advanced CX platform, Exact Medicare not only achieves significant cost efficiencies but also sets new standards for customer service excellence.


Today, Exact Medicare benefits from a comprehensive overview of their operations and agent performance in real-time. This invaluable insight empowers the business to swiftly identify challenges, automate interactions with accurate brand personalization, and continuously refine customer engagement strategies for maximum impact.


Read Case Study

"I would definitely recommend ConnexAI to other healthcare providers. I think it is a leading platform in this industry."

Ezequiel Negron

Exact Medicare

Want To Know More?

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