Auto Dialler

For urgent or high-volume outbound campaigns like sales promotions, manually calling each customer or prospect is inefficient. Enter Autodialler – a solution to swiftly reach a large customer base with ease.

Auto Dialler

An Auto Dialler is a software tool that dials customer numbers automatically, playing a prerecorded message or connecting to a live agent upon response. This saves agents time by eliminating manual dialing, enabling them to focus on valuable, quality conversations with customers.


When it comes to outbound campaigns, especially urgent or high-volume ones like sales promotions or new product releases, a business’ priority is always to update as many customers as quickly as possible. In this context, having sales representatives or customer engagement representatives manually dial and call every customer or prospect in a list is far from the ideal standard of efficiency. Fortunately, an Auto Dialler or Automated Dialler system can help with that. 


In the present day, the technology call centre agents or sales representatives use is almost as important as their irreplaceably human skills, if not more; that’s why choosing the right call centre software platform is one of the most crucial decisions contact centre managers can make. It’s estimated that for every 1.5 minutes of conversation with a prospect, an agent spends 6 minutes on manual tasks, like dialling, or searching customer information. And that’s where Dialler features, an essential tool in every outbound call centre phone systemcome into play. The right Autodialler system can free agents from those menial tasks so that they can focus on what really matters: high-value conversations with customers and prospects. 


In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about Autodialler or automated Dialler systems: from how they work to what they’re used for and what differentiates them from other types of Diallers, like Predictive Dialler and Progressive Dialler.


So without further ado, let’s start with the basics: what is an Auto Dialler?


What is an Autodialler or Automated Dialler?

In a nutshell, an Auto Dialler is a software solution that automatically dials a list of customer numbers and either plays a prerecorded message or connects the call to a live agent whenever a customer responds.


This eliminates the need for agents to spend time dialling and selecting customers manually, allowing them to focus on what they’re really good at and what actually brings value to a business: high-quality conversations with customers.


That’s why Auto Diallers are mostly used in environments or industries where time is precious. For example, sales call centres often deal with demanding quotas, so the use of automated dialling significantly augments productivity, allowing a machine to handle the dialling process and consequently, empowering an agent to reach more conversations, more leads, and more sales in less time. This technology, commonly integrated within Contact Centre Software platforms, has found application across various sectors, including sales, healthcare, and hospitality, among others. 


Call Centre Auto Dialler systems are ideal for high-volume operations like contact centers or sales teams conducting large-scale outbound campaigns, as they initiate calls automatically, prioritizing speed and efficiency.
Call Centre Auto Dialler systems are ideal for high-volume operations like contact centres or sales teams conducting large-scale outbound campaigns, as they initiate calls automatically, prioritizing speed and efficiency.


Benefits of Autodialler

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Automated Dialler systems automate the process of calling numbers from contact lists, reducing the time agents devote to manual dialling. This automation substantially boosts the number of calls agents can complete within a given time frame, leading to heightened productivity.

Time Optimisation

By automating various calling-related tasks like call disposition logging and follow-ups, outbound diallers free up valuable agent time that can be redirected toward more productive endeavours.


Streamlined Call Distribution

Some automated diallers possess the capability to intelligently distribute calls among the available agents, ensuring that each call is assigned to the right agent. This distribution can be based on factors such as agent skills, customer profiles, and call priority.



Automated diallers can easily change their dialling paces to handle higher call volumes or new campaigns, providing businesses with the flexibility to adjust to shifting demands without the need for substantial infrastructure modifications.


Customer Segmentation

Auto diallers can manage contact lists, including customer segmentation, making it easier to group and follow up on warm leads. With a cloud contact centre system like ConnexAI, you can upload customer lists, merge them, remove duplicates, and add new leads.


Customer Interaction Analytics

Another important feature of auto diallers is call analysis. Customer interaction analytics allow you to review and record calls, providing insights into script effectiveness, delivery, and areas for improvement. It also helps identify top-performing agents by tracking call volume and sales, enhancing customer experience and aiding in the training of new employees. ConnexAI’s platform comes with a set of AI Analytics features designed to provide unique insights into customer sentiment and agents’ performance.


How does an Autodialler work?

Here’s how an Autodialler system or Automated Dialler usually works:


1. Data input

Users or agents input a list of phone numbers into the Auto Dialler’s system. This list can include leads, prospects, or customers that they want to contact.


2. Contact information retrieval

The Auto Dialler accesses a database or contact list that holds customer information, including phone numbers and names.


3. Dialling

The Auto Dialler starts dialling the phone numbers sequentially or using a predefined dialling strategy. It can make multiple calls simultaneously or one after the other, depending on the dialling mode selected.


4. Call handling

When the call is answered, the Auto Dialler can manage the call in various ways:

  • It can connect the call to a live agent or representative.
  • It can play a pre-recorded message, such as an automated survey or appointment reminder.
  • If no one answers the call, it can leave a voicemail or disconnect the call, depending on the system’s settings.


5. Call status monitoring

The auto dialler monitors the status of each call, including whether it was answered, went to voicemail, or encountered a busy signal.


6. Interaction Voice Response (IVR)

Some auto diallers use Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology to distinguish between live people and answering machines. IVR can allow users to interact with the system through voice or keypad inputs. IVR features using the AI technology known as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) enhance the user experience by enabling natural language processing. This allows callers to speak their responses rather than being restricted to pressing specific buttons, which contributes to reduce wait times and enhance customer satisfaction, as callers receive quicker responses tailored to their specific needs. This technology not only streamlines the interaction process but also frees up human agents to handle more complex inquiries, ultimately improving operational efficiency for businesses.


7. VOIP Integration

Some Autodiallers integrated within Call Centre software solutions support Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), enabling calls to be made over the internet instead of traditional phone lines.


8. Data logging

The Auto Dialler typically logs call data, such as call duration, call outcomes, and any customer responses or actions taken during the call.


9. Advanced Features

Modern Autodiallers may offer advanced features like call recording, caller ID, customer interaction analytics, and integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems to improve efficiency and effectiveness.


At this point, there is one crucial point we must bring up. Not all automated diallers work the same way; especially when it comes to the level of sophistication they allow for in the Dialling stage, there can be massive differences between one automated Dialler system and another, and these will make some autodialler systems more or less apt for different types of businesses. 


One of the most common types of differences between different autodialler systems is whether they have Predictive Dialler features. But what exactly does this mean? What is the difference between an Automated Dialler and a Predictive Dialler? We’ll explain that in the next section.


Auto Dialler vs Predictive Dialler: what’s the difference and which is better?

While sometimes the denominations of Autodialler and Predictive Dialler are used interchangeably, there are significant distinctions between one and the other.


Autodialling software allows for simultaneous calling of multiple numbers, whereas predictive dialling software relies on AI technology and statistical algorithms to anticipate when agents will become available and queues customer calls accordingly. This approach aims for smoother customer experience, lower waiting times for customers, and shorter gaps between agent interactions. For instance, if agents are heavily engaged, the predictive dialling software adjusts its pace, preventing customers from being kept on hold for extended periods.


In practice, this is how this key difference works: an Auto Dialler continually places calls following a fixed pace or strategy, typically (but not always; more on this later) dialling a new number as soon as an agent becomes available, from a batch of contacts and links the answered calls to an available representative. Conversely, predictive dialler software usually initiates calls a brief moment before an agent finishes their ongoing call by predicting the agent’s call duration and availability. 


In other words, a predictive dialler is basically an automatic dialler that allows for a higher level of sophistication when it comes to strategising the pace of the calls, also predicting the optimal pace automatically. With a standard automated dialler, it’s up to a human agent to set up the call rate for each agent is necessary, whereas the predictive dialler calculates and configures the dialling rate based on factors like the number of agents and average call duration.


Automatic diallers work best for teams with not many agents and for campaigns involving small contact lists. In contrast, predictive dialler software is the preferred choice for large teams and for outbound calling campaigns marked by substantial call volumes and a need for quick call processing.


Autodialling software dials multiple numbers simultaneously, while predictive dialling uses AI and algorithms to anticipate agent availability and queue customer calls accordingly
An Autodialler will dial multiple numbers simultaneously, while predictive dialling uses AI and algorithms to anticipate agent availability and queue customer calls accordingly.


There are also particular possible downsides to each of the two types of Dialler: with a standard call centre Auto Dialler, agents may have less control over the pace of calls as the dialler continually dials numbers, leading to a potentially higher number of dropped or abandoned calls. On the other hand, with a Predictive Dialler, can sometimes be more aggressive in call pacing, leading to dropped or abandoned calls if the predictions are not accurate.


That’s why it’s so important to examine well the needs of your business and the features of a Dialler before choosing a particular Call Centre Auto Dialler solution. When considering auto-dialling software, it’s also important to keep in mind that some options may include predictive dialling features, while others may not.


So, to wrap this section up: we could conclude that a Predictive Dialler is a type of Automated Dialler that relies on AI and intelligent algorithms to pace the rhythm of calls.


In this other article, we’ve briefly explained how many different types of Diallers there are and what advantages and disadvantages each of them can represent for different types of businesses.


Progressive Dialler is another type of Dialler that is sometimes mistaken with Autodialler solutions. Let’s briefly consider the difference between the two in the next section, and then we’ll move on to a list of benefits associated with Call Centre Auto Dialler solutions.


What is the difference between Autodialler and Progressive Dialler?

A more nuanced difference might be the one between Automated Dialler and Progressive Dialler systems. Here, the relationship between the two terms is similar to the case of Predictive Dialler: all Progressive Diallers are Automated Diallers, but not all Automated Diallers are Progressive.


However, the difference is quite simple: a Progressive Dialler will always wait for an agent to become available to automatically dial the next number on the list, while an Autodialler might not always proceed that way: its dialling pace or strategy might allow it, for example, to dial several numbers simultaneously or dial before waiting for an agent to be available. 


An automated dialler allows for more aggressive call pacings that might be convenient in, for example, large or bulk outbound campaigns, while a Progressive Dialler places more importance in the reduction of unanswered calls. 


For this reason, a progressive Dialler system will be notably beneficial for businesses with a small to medium-sized sales or customer service team and campaigns with a moderate call volume. It’s ideal when personalised attention is crucial, and call pacing needs to be closely aligned with agent availability. 


On the other hand, standard and Predictive Auto Dialler systems will be better suited to well-suited for businesses with larger teams and high call volumes, particularly in telemarketing, collections, or customer service operations where the focus is on maximising the number of calls made and connections with potential clients or customers. Businesses that prioritise efficiency, scalability, and reaching a larger audience often find automatic diallers, especially predictive diallers, to be more suitable for their needs.


Hopefully, by now you’re more familiar with the concept of Autodialler, what it can do for your business, and how it differs from the concepts of Predictive Dialler or Progressive Dialler. 


7 Key Auto Dialler Features

Analytics Dashboard

An Analytics Dashboard in an autodialler offers valuable insights into call metrics, helping businesses optimize lead generation strategies. It tracks key data such as the number of calls made, answered rates, and peak call times, enabling businesses to target optimal windows for reaching prospects. Additionally, it provides insights into call outcomes, lead conversion rates, and agent performance, allowing for data-driven adjustments to calling strategies. By refining the timing and approach based on these metrics, businesses can enhance contact rates and improve the success of their outbound calling efforts.

Answering Machine Detection

Some auto diallers can detect when a call reaches voicemail and either hang up or transfer the call to an agent to leave a message. This automation saves time by allowing the system to move on to the next call immediately or have an agent leave a voicemail without manually waiting through rings. By streamlining this process, auto diallers improve efficiency and enable agents to focus on live interactions, boosting overall productivity in outbound calling.


CRM Integration

Autodiallers like the one in the ConnexAI telephony suite integrate smoothly with CRM software, enabling easy segmentation of customers into targeted calling lists. This allows businesses to contact the right customers at the right time. During calls, the dialler displays relevant customer records to agents, such as past interactions and preferences, ensuring informed and personalized conversations. This integration not only enhances customer engagement but also improves the efficiency of outbound campaigns by keeping customer data up to date and interactions more meaningful.


Answering Machine Detection

Auto diallers can detect when a call reaches voicemail by recognizing audio cues. They can either hang up or transfer the call to an agent to leave a message. This automation saves time by preventing agents from wasting time on voicemails, allowing them to focus on live calls and improving overall efficiency.


Callback Scheduling

Callback Scheduling is a vital feature of autodiallers that enhances the efficiency of outbound calling campaigns. When an agent makes a call that goes unanswered—whether due to no response, busy signals, or voicemail—the auto dialler automatically detects this and adds the phone number to a callback list.


This list serves as a record of missed connections, ensuring that potential leads are not overlooked. Businesses can customize the dialler to redial these numbers at scheduled intervals, accommodating different time zones and customer availability. For example, they might set the system to call back after a few hours or the next day. By automating callback scheduling, companies can re-engage with potential customers who were unavailable during the initial call. This systematic approach improves contact rates and allows agents to focus on live conversations while the auto dialler manages follow-ups, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and greater productivity in outreach efforts.


With ConnexAI’s workflow automation tool Flow, you can schedule callbacks, as well as automate multiple other steps in your customer journeys related to outbound and inbound communications.


Time Zone Management

Time Zone Management is a crucial feature of auto diallers that ensures agents avoid calling leads at inappropriate times. The dialler automatically determines each lead’s time zone by analyzing area codes or using geo-location data.


By setting designated calling hours based on these time zones, the system skips dialling numbers outside those hours. For example, if a lead is on the West Coast, the dialler won’t make calls during early morning Eastern Time. This thoughtful scheduling increases the likelihood of connecting with leads and enhances the customer experience by preventing disruptions. Overall, time zone management supports a more strategic and respectful approach to outbound calling, improving outreach success rates and fostering positive relationships with potential customers.


Unproductive Number Detection

Unproductive Number Detection is an important feature of auto diallers that enhances the efficiency of outbound calling campaigns. This capability allows the system to identify numbers that are disconnected, unresponsive, or otherwise ineffective for reaching potential customers. As a result, unproductive number detection contributes to a more efficient calling strategy, helping businesses maximize their outreach efforts while improving overall performance and conversion rates.


How to implement a Call Centre Auto Dialler platform

Define your objectives

Before implementing a dialler solution, clearly define your objectives and goals. Determine what you aim to achieve, whether it’s increasing sales, improving customer satisfaction, or enhancing agent productivity.


Evaluate vendor options

Research and evaluate different dialler vendors to find the best fit for your business needs. Consider factors such as features, scalability, pricing, and customer support. Request demos and trial periods to test the usability and effectiveness of each solution.


Plan your deployment strategy

Develop a deployment strategy that outlines the implementation process, timeline, and resource allocation. Consider factors such as training requirements, data migration, and integration with existing systems. Engage key stakeholders and department heads to ensure a smooth transition.


Train your team

Provide comprehensive training to your team on how to use a dialler solution effectively. Train agents on call handling best practices, CRM integration, and compliance requirements. Offer ongoing support and resources to help employees adapt to the new system.


Monitor and optimise performance

Continuously monitor and analyse performance metrics to identify areas for improvement. Track key metrics such as call volume, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction scores. Use insights from analytics to optimize dialler campaigns, refine sales strategies, and drive better outcomes.


By following these steps, businesses can successfully implement a dialler solution and maximize its benefits for sales, customer engagement, and overall business success.


One case study: how National Debt Advisors benefited from ConnexAI’s Auto Dialler feature

National Debt Advisors, a leading debt counselling company, sought to enhance its operational efficiency and sales performance. By implementing ConnexAI’s intelligent SQL dialler, they achieved remarkable results in multiple areas. The introduction of ConnexAI’s advanced technology revolutionized their outbound call campaigns, significantly improving their targeting capabilities. The intelligent algorithms of the Autodialler allowed National Debt Advisors to prioritize leads based on various criteria such as client credit history and the likelihood of conversion. This refined approach led to higher contact rates and increased the chances of successful engagements with potential clients.


The adoption of ConnexAI’s solution also played a pivotal role in earning National Debt Advisors a National “Best Debt Counseling” award. The dialler’s efficiency and precision in handling calls not only enhanced the company’s sales metrics but also elevated their overall service quality. Clients experienced quicker response times and more personalized interactions, which contributed to the company’s stellar reputation and recognition in the industry.


Moreover, ConnexAI’s intelligent autodialler brought about a dramatic reduction in the team’s man-hours. By automating the dialing process and optimizing call handling, National Debt Advisors managed to cut their team’s workload by 50%. This reduction in manual tasks allowed their agents to focus more on high-value activities such as in-depth consultations and follow-ups, further driving the company’s success. The time savings translated into cost efficiencies and a more motivated workforce, all of which contributed to the company’s impressive achievements.

If you want to learn more about how ConnexAI’s Dialler software contributed to National Debt Advisor’s success, you can watch this video:



In this article, we have considered what sets Automated Diallers apart from other types of Diallers and what types of businesses they’re best suited for. As we have seen, with their ability to initiate calls without agent intervention, Call Centre Auto Dialler systems are particularly advantageous for businesses dealing with high call volumes, like contact centres or sales teams engaged in large-scale outbound campaigns where speed and efficiency are paramount. The automated nature of the dialing process ensures that the next call is seamlessly initiated, allowing agents to focus on conversations rather than manual dialing tasks.


If you want to know more about Call Centre Auto dialler systems or about what type of Dialler solution would work best for your business, you can speak to one of our representatives. Our Omnichannel AI platform includes completely personalisable Dialler features, along with a vast array of functionalities to take your customer engagement to the next level. Message us for an information or get a free, personalised demonstration session!


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