Omni | Live Chat

Intelligent, automated customer service

Be there for your customers 24/7

Thousands of potential customers browse your website every day… why not say “Hello”?

By simply adding a small widget, you can unlock a whole new sophisticated channel of communication with everything from instant notification features to automated routing. Our Live Chat feature can increase your business’ conversion rate by 40% from the minute you implement it.

Benefits of Live Chat



On brand communications and customization





Route the right live chat to the right person using Flow





Use AI to reduce traffic and improve response times



Conversational Bot

Team up with AI

Athena can be deployed to initiate chats, answer queries and ask questions to advance customer journeys with an unmatched level of sophistication. Deploy Athena to answer intricate questions without losing the human touch. Handle large volumes of everyday queries and free up your teams for the high value interactions.




Skills Routing 

Manage inbound messaging with clever automated ticketing and route the right queries to the right user.


Athena Chat Bot

AI will continuously learn from a variety of data sources including Knowledge Base Articles, interaction archives and chat transcripts to ensure automated responses stay current.




Talk in real-time

Omni Live Chat


  • Real-time chats to give customers instant answers
  • Pair with Athena to streamline the process and offer 24/7 availability
  • Scalable to suit your needs with language detection and interaction routing

"ConnexAI is an excellent platform. We've been able to use strategic reporting which has had a direct impact on the business' performance and provide Omni engagement and capture a larger customer footprint."

Ola Spencer

Group Operations Director

Book your discovery session

See ConnexAI in action

We’re so confident your team and your customers will love our Live Chat solution as well as the quick set up, and rapid time to value. Join us for a tailored demonstration and see just how quickly your business can benefit from our industry leading features.
Give it a go!



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