Our Clients | Parking and Transportation

RiseTek Global


Transformative Operational Insights

For Risetek Global, a pioneering technical entity within the parking and transportation industry, operational insights are the linchpin of their company. Spanning multiple states in the US and wanting to extend their footprint globally, Risetek’s operations demanded real-time insights to navigate the ever-evolving market terrain.


Turning to ConnexAI after encountering setbacks with previous CX providers, Risetek experienced a rapid transformation. With swift deployment, our platform ushered in a notable upsurge in lead generation, conversion rates, and agent efficacy, fortifying Risetek’s position as a leader in their field.

Risetek Global

Driving Global Reach and Presence

Discover how Risetek used the ConnexAI platform to:

  • Accelerate growth and realize international expansion plans
  • Achieve real-time visibility of productivity and results
  • Improve agent experience for their customer teams

Service Excellence and Efficiency

“It’s exciting to know that we’re saving and to know that we’re providing quality services for our clients.” shares Tika Solis, Call Center Manager at Risetek Global. With Connex’s cutting-edge platform, Risetek not only experiences cost efficiencies but also elevates customer service standards to new heights.


Today, Risetek enjoys a comprehensive view of their campaigns and agent performance in real-time. This invaluable perspective empowers managers to swiftly identify challenges, discern market trends promptly, and iteratively refine customer engagement strategies for maximum impact. Utilising Connex’s intuitive CX tools, Risetek can adapt and optimise their approach with agility, ensuring sustained growth and customer satisfaction.


Read Case Study

"The ConnexAI support team has been fabulous. It is honestly, out of all my vendors and anyone I've dealt with, the best one."

Gayle Cathey

Risetek Global







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