Our Clients | Charity


100% Up-time, maximising availability for those in need

“Grief is not 9 to 5,” says Bonnie Carroll, retired Air Force officer, widow of a fallen US army serviceman, and founder of TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors). TAPS is a charity organization dedicated to supporting military survivors and families of fallen soldiers in America. 


One of TAPS’ main services is a 24/7 national military survivor helpline. For an organization like TAPS, it’s paramount to guarantee 100% uptime and efficient, accessible, and empathetic support for callers. ConnexAI helped TAPS to achieve that and help more people when it matters most.


Reliable Support

See how ConnexAI aided TAPS to:

  • Set up a 24/7 national survivor helpline in two weeks.
  • Maintain 100% uptime.
  • Increase visibility and offer personalised, human, immediate assistance.


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Personalised assistance

ConnexAI has empowered TAPS to offer personalised, human, close assistance to those who need it. 

Thanks to our platform’s intuitive and encompassing interface, users can see all details on past interactions with callers, talk to them on any channel they prefer, or send them resources to cope with their challenges. They can also leave private notes to guide future interactions, which makes for helpful, personalised conversations, or set up automatic follow-up messages when necessary.


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“Our goals here are to ensure 100% uptime with all our systems so that staff can work from any place. ConnexAI has been the most stable platform that we have been able to use to date.”

Tim Murray

Director of IT

Want to know more?

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