Customer Service Solutions

Create unforgettable customer experiences

Recognise trends as they happen

Give your customers an experience they’ll want to recommend by utilising the Connex Customer Service AI suite.
With access to all channels and customer information in one interface, your customer service teams’ processes will be smoother, faster, and more effective.


Provide your managers with a 360-degree strategic real-time view of all your campaigns and interactions so they can immediately see your team’s strengths and weaknesses.
Use these Call Centre AI insights to scale and modify your campaigns to meet the needs of both your business and your customers.

Boost your CSAT scores

Happy customers are loyal customers

Use Customer Service AI Sentiment Analysis to make sure every interaction ends on a high note and use those insights to train agents. Automatically deploy feedback requests following any interaction and see your CSAT go up.

AI-powered insights

Recognise patterns on the spot

With Athena AI analysing all call and message data, your company can use Keyphrase Analysis reports determining which products, services, complaints, or topics are frequently mentioned by customers. Use customised reports to quickly identify patterns and enable your business to operate efficiently.

AI Live Chat

Let AI handle it

Enable Conversational AI Bots to relieve your agents of routine customer interactions and free them up to handle more complex enquiries.

“Real-time reporting is the centre pin of business. Being able to look through a client’s lens at any point in the day and look how we’re performing, how we’re handling customer interactions, and what challenges we’re going through is key to success.”

Craig Winnard

Group Commercial Director

Want to know more?

If you want to learn more about how ConnexAI is captaining the customer service revolution, drop us a call or a message!


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